Det begynner å løsne nå, og vi øyner en normalitet igjen. Men i løpet av det siste halvannet året har hele verden vært gjennom en ekstrem situasjon. Mange steder vil det være slik i lang tid. Hvordan har pandemien opplevdes i ulike deler av verden? Fotografiets dag har i år gått ut internasjonalt for å få fotografenes historier om livet med korona.
In this exhibition, Charlotte Tjomslands photographs explored narratives that reflect childhood, identity, ethnicity and family. With two children coming into her life as infants and taken into foster care, moments were filled with a new meaning. How is an "I": an identity, a childhood, and a family created. What do the moments of recognition, moments of belonging, moments of touch, moments of alienation, moments of feeling the gaze of others?
– I was watching my children in the quiet time of Corona. Sometimes I felt like I came so close to my children that I could feel emotions that were not my own, as if someone were whispering in the grass.
– The children do not know who they are yet. They don't know who they will become or who they could have been. I look at them. Their hands. Their beautiful hands: brown on the outside and white on the inside. Their colour doesn't define them for me, but I know it will be a part of what makes them who they are. Which moments affect them? Have I captured any of these moments?
Charlotte touches on Black Lives Matter and how we can feel foreign in intimate relations with a shade of how we see ourselves and how we surround ourselves with what feels typically close and recognizable.